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Social media

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Follow us to receive up-to-date news, council information, find local events and ask questions.

We do our best to check in on our platforms, but may not respond outside of business hours. If you have an urgent issue, call us on 8408 1111 (24/7).

For non-urgent issues, it's easy to make a report on the My Local Services App.


Find out what's happening in the City of Charles Sturt - from news, works updates to event information.

City of Charles Sturt

Celebrating our City as a place to live, work and visit.

Follow us on Twitter for local news, updates and information.

We love seeing your photos on Instagram. Tag us so we can check them out. You may even see them in a future edition of our quarterly magazine Kaleidoscope

Watch all the latest videos showcasing our City and our vibrant community on YouTube.

See a lighter side of Council on TikTok where we have fun connecting and engaging with our community.

Mayor Angela Evans can often be found meeting and working with our local community. Check out what she's up to.

The City of Charles Sturt is home to over 9,000 businesses. Here we share information, events and provide visibility for businesses in our area.

Terms and conditions of social media use

Our social media accounts help us connect with the community.

We encourage user participation and open discussion. Keep your comments on topic. Avoid anything that is defamatory, offensive, disrespectful, abusive or disparaging. Do not single out any staff member or Elected Member for negative comment.

The City of Charles Sturt has the right to remove any content that doesn't adhere to these conditions.

Please report any online behaviour that doesn't adhere to our terms and conditions.

Reports can go to our Contact Centre on 8408 1111, via our website, email us at, or contact us through social media.

We'll respond as quick as we can, but we're not online 24/7. We'll aim to provide a quick response within 24 hours.

Use and access of Council's sites is your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Please note: The City of Charles Sturt does not endorse or take responsibility for content posted by third parties.

Social Media Principles

Council's use of social media aims to:

  • inform, communicate and encourage community involvement
  • encourage participation and open discussion
  • provide timely responses to comments
  • ensure the community feels heard
  • extend communication to a wider audience for consultation, events and images
  • build relationships with the community and stakeholders
  • provide convenient, accessible and flexible forms of service delivery to support our community

The following principles should apply to all forms of social media used by Council:


Transparency is an important part of all social media communication.

Charles Sturt will not create online communications designed to mislead the community or control a conversation.

Every platform and channel hosted by Charles Sturt will clearly state its ownership. It will be monitored as per internal protocols to track and monitor our online presence.

Spokespeople using social media in an official capacity must disclose to the community their identity (name and official title) when associating with the public online.


Protection of our community’s privacy as a collective and individually is very important. This means we need to be conscientious regarding any identifying information that we collect via our communications platforms, including how we store, use or share that information in line with Council’s Privacy Policy.

Legal rights and confidential or protected information

Use of social media platforms must comply with relevant legislation at all times. 

Proprietary or confidential information should not be disclosed. Intellectual property including copyrights, trademarks, brand, rights of publicity and other third party rights online, including user‐generated content, must be respected and not used without permission from the creator or copyright owner.

Responsible use of social media

City of Charles Sturt will encourage conversation and debate via our social media channels and ask that the discussion be kept respectful and on-topic. You can share what's on your mind, but if it falls into any of the categories below, City of Charles Sturt will remove/report it:

* Offensive, abusive or violent language
* Hateful or discriminatory comments
* Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material
* Violations of copyright or intellectual property rights
* Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the - operation of other people's computers  or mobile devices
* Attacks on specific groups or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual
* Commercial or personal solicitations, including crowdfunding campaigns
* Trolling posts or deliberately disruptive conversations
* Inaccurate or misleading statements about the City of Charles Sturt, its staff and elected members

Anyone who chooses to repeatedly break the house rules will be removed from our page.

Keep in mind that all social media channels are a public forum and only information you wish the general public to see should be shared.

Participation is at your own risk, and you take personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.

Council will not use or align Charles Sturt with any organisations, website or community groups that deploy the use of excessive tracking software, adware, malware or spyware.

Any personal or individual use of social media is at the individual's discretion. This includes staff members or Elected Members. But it is important that individuals take responsibility for the implications of participating in social media where they reference Council or their relationship with Council or its brands.

Council members and staff must comply with their relevant Codes of Conduct as well as Social Media Protocols. When providing personal opinions, staff or Elected Members should disclose their first and last name and a statement to the effect that this is their personal opinion and may not represent the opinion of the City of Charles Sturt.

Best Practice

A number of new or refined digital platform opportunities are developed each year, and we will aim to utilise best practice to meet Council and the community’s needs, specifically in relation to timeliness and content of responses, listening to the online community, and ensuring that these best practices remain current and reflect up to date and appropriate standards of behaviour.


You can report all complaints or grievances on

8408 1111

Please refer to our Customer Experience Policy for further information.