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Networking and Events


Western Business Leaders (WBL) is an opportunity for any local business owner to meet other like-minded business owners and share their knowledge and experiences to meet the challenges and opportunities of future economic growth. If you're in business in City of Charles Sturt, you're a business leader.

WBL membership is open to all businesses based in the Western Adelaide region. We also invite businesses beyond the region that have a vested interest in the economic growth of Western Adelaide.

WBL offers a place to make connections with others who are in the same local environment, even though your businesses may be very different.

Our regular and varied events help connect our business community to each other and provide an opportunity to learn what resources, advice and mentoring is available.

Why Join WBL?

Be involved in WBL and you will receive connections to:

  • business leaders across Western Adelaide
  • business advice, support and mentoring
  • professional development and networking
  • funding and grant opportunities
  • industry intelligence, market outlook, major investments and developments
  • collaborative opportunities
  • key contacts within Western Adelaide Councils.

Sign Up Here

Join Western Business Leaders to access news, events and information (and you'll receive our monthly enewsletter too). Tell us about your business and areas of interest so we can best assist your business in the future.

Read Our Latest Newsletter

Learn about the latest economic news, workshops and events and Council opportunities:

Western Business Leaders Newsletter - August

Western Business Leaders Newsletter - July

Western Business Leaders Newsletter - June

Business events

We host a number of events for networking and growing your business in the City of Charles Sturt. Our Libraries and Community Centres also provide regular free and low cost courses and programs for small business throughout the year.

Western Adelaide Tourism Networking Event

We celebrated our tourism and hospitality businesses at our latest