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Axis Manufacture

Axis Manufacture responded instantly to an urgent and unmet community need when the COVID crisis hit.

Being always prepared as a business mindset, enabled Phil Scardigno, entrepreneur & founder, to not only play a part in helping Australia become more self-sufficient – but launch an entirely new (and desperately needed) product range.

From waterproofing to germ proofing

Axis Manufacture has been a successful business in the construction industry – providing waterproofing products for wet areas, pools, tiles, roofing, basements and other commercial and industrial applications for over 10 years.

When the COVID crisis first hit, the first spark of an idea came to Phil when his staff started requesting hand sanitiser in the workplace.  It appeared to be in very short supply. As it happened, the key ingredient in medical grade sanitiser, Isopropyl alcohol, was something they already had access to in their existing business. This, together with the internal expertise and an R&D facility had Phil thinking ‘let’s have a go at making this ourselves’.

And so they did! The sanitiser was a success, and passed their quality controls, and was soon being used in the workplace.

But this was early days. As COVID really started to unfold, local community need was evident and there was an increasing worldwide demand for these products.

Phil heard that some nursing homes were unable to access any hospital grade wipes and medical staff were using tiny alcohol wipes to wipe down large equipment such as trolleys!

This is when Axis decided to use their internal capabilities to see how else they could help. They had a propylene fabric which could be impregnated with their sanitiser, however they needed to have this perforated, so it could be fit for purpose, and dispensed with canisters.

Working together with Rowe Trading, the final perforation piece of the puzzle was solved.

This became a recurring theme in this new sanitiser project. Reaching out and collaborating with local businesses to find solutions for this sudden and critical problem.

Red tape and supply chains

It was clear that many government departments were in short supply of these products and Axis Manufacture started making connections with many government sectors.

This has not been without its challenges. Governments were often locked into existing contracts with suppliers who were often unable to supply the product due to worldwide shortages.

Phil wanted to help solve this problem – but in order to do this he needed to secure regular demand in order to scale up.

He also recognised that sanitiser and wipes were going to continue to be a product in demand, even after the crisis of COVID was over.

Local, community and collaboration

Government representatives helped connect Phil with other market segments, such as the medical retail segment which included doctors’ surgeries.

Private schools, the childcare industry and the private medical sector are also becoming clients.

One of the main requirements was to be able to deliver on a Priority List Supply system – meaning that once registered, supply would be guaranteed to those on the list. This is now available through their Clean Life website, as are direct to the public sales.

Phil is passionate about sourcing locally, collaboration and building sovereign capability and is looking at expanding the Clean Life product range.

While the Clean Life brand already existed (supplying food disinfectant for the food industry), they are now expanding into antibacterial soaps, and looking to local suppliers for essential oils, such as Emu Ridge for eucalyptus oil and local lavender farms.

Government departments in New South Wales, Victoria and the Northern Territory are now being supplied product through Axis and Phil is working to secure local contracts.

No time to rest

When we saw Phil, he had only had two days off in over 3 months.

’The timing of opportunity, creating and filling demand and forming key relationships is a never ending process. But the work is starting to pay off.’

A new corporate partnership has been formed between Axis Manufacture and their Clean Life brand and the Fitness Industry, and has just been announced. The products will soon be available to consumers with Foodland about to include these Clean Life products in their stores.

Phil is busy reaching out to many other industries including the hotel associations and restaurants.

Committed to our circular economy and in true entrepreneurial style Phil is investigating ways to repurpose their manufacturing waste products into a dust suppressant and other fillers for industry use – to try and leave even less of a footprint and be as fully sustainable as possible.

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Urszula Richards
Business Marketing Advisor - Urban Projects